in Motion Blog

Let’s Blog

Words in Motion Acting Studio works hard to educate those interested in Career Acting. Let’s talk about why an actor needs to train. Let me ask you a few questions that may help you understand the importance of training.

Would you hire an inexperienced person be a lead in your million dollar company?

Do you have time to train people on the job or would you rather hire someone who is already trained?

Would you hire someone in your company just because they look good?

Would you hire someone who thinks they may be talented when they are actually a risk?

Would you partner your million dollar company with those that have not invested in learning the job?

Movies cost millions of dollars!  Career Actors should train and train some more.  If you want this as a career do what it requires to get it. Acting training is very detailed and not something you can learn over -night.  We have a language that is all our own.  Our imagination must grow strong.  We must give our self a place to develop and hone skills. We have to be able to switch notes at the drop of a hat.  We have to walk and chew gum even when gum is not allowed:)  Meaning it is not as easy, if it were everyone would be doing it.

Film productions do not want to hire beginners.  They hire actors with experience. We are the 1st step to gaining that experience.

Words In Motion Professional Actors Studio allows  you to audit a class for free.  What do you have to lose? It’s just you and your dreams.

Questions to ask yourself while auditing class:

Do you feel good with the class?  Are you encouraged. Is the coach being truthful?  Are the Actors being challenged.

Tips for Actors in class:

You need to bond with the coach and he/she has interest in your development.

It is your job to help her get to know by offering your work in weekly classes. Make it a point to be known by your work and not by needless talk.

Ask questions that steps you towards building the career you want.

Advice while navigating this Industry:

You have heard the saying, “If it sounds to good to be true, it more than likely is”.  This is true.  Be careful and be smart.  There are a lot of scams out there.  Read reviews.

Members of the studio have extra support from their studio  Let your coach know what you are doing and ask questions.  We are here to help guide you through.


We wish you the best in all you do!

We plan to add more Blogs to help you understand what we do.  Please let us know if you have questions.  We are glad to answer them.



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