Wednesday Nights from 6:30pm to 7:30pm (class is full)

This class is currently full however we offer intro setting of this class in the 10 and below classes and the Training with Speed Classes.  It may be good to start there.

Atlanta Kid Acting Classes. We love watching our students create.  We know that many of you have talents that go beyond Acting.  We started this class just for you.  This class attracts students that like to write and perform.  This is much the way our summer camps work.  A group of kids get together and write scripts.  Each group will have a Director and Producer.  This is as much like putting on your own show as you can get.  This class will perform twice a year Live.  Words in Motion is inspired and was actually founded on a group much like this.  The sky is the limit on what you can create.   Please send us a message to be put on the up coming class list through our

Please contact us for prices.

Words in Motion works to showcase our talent.  Here is a link to see our kids in action. The Kids Show:

You can also find helpful information through Owner Kelly Young Silva’s Show called Kelly Talk Show.  This is a show Directed by Diego Silva, Kelly’s Husband.  We talk to Actors, Filmmakers, Casting Directors, Producers, Writer’s and the Plain Jane to help you better understand this Industry and how it works.  Here are good segments.  Please like the page as we are in constant movement with the show and are always introducing you to new people.  Leaving comments on Kelly Talk Show page is a great way to get to know people.  We are part of a great time in history where we can connect with people through the click of a button, we offer this to you as a benefit.

The Kids Show

Words in Motion is a training facility.  You are making an investment towards a career.  This Industry will require a lot from you.  We require you to understand that we are a business. We require you to understand that you are a business. If you do not have the resources needed to train with us we recommend you try community theatre.  We don’t want to waste your time and do not want you wasting our time.